Google Ads Fundamental: Starting Your First Google Ads Campaign

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Google signifies success!

If you carefully utilize Google tools for your business promotion then you’re on the right track to achieving success.


There is a famous tool which Google offers called:

Google Ads is called “PPC” and “Pay-Per- Click” advertising.

Worldwide it’s known as “Adwords” and is used by millions of websites and companies to promote their products and services. This increases the awareness and traffic of websites.

Since it ensures that your business appears at the top of Google’s first page when your potential customer is looking for a solution to their problem;

When a potential customer has “buying intent”, and you want to be there to satisfy your customer’s needs.

It’s one of the most used and effective forms of online advertising, a vast amount of moving parts combined with Google’s frequent changes to their platform are enough to make anyone’s head spin.

If you’re with a decision to bring your business on the web with Google Ads then tighten your seat belt and start with this article. Here, you’ll learn various important terms of Google Ads campaign.

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What are Google Ads?

It is an advertising system developed by Google to help businesses reach online target markets via its search engine platform and partner sites. These partner sites host a text or image ad that displays on the page after a user searches for keywords and phrases related to a business and its products or services.

Find below the terms of Google Ads that can be understood easily.

It allows businesses to display ads on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs), on various websites, and within other Google services like YouTube and Gmail. When using Google Ads, there are several key terms and concepts that advertisers should be familiar with:

Ad Campaign: It is a set of one or more ad groups (which contain ads and keywords) that share a budget, targeting options, and other settings.

Ad Group: Within a campaign, an ad group is a collection of ads and keywords that share a common theme or target a similar audience.

Ad Auction: This occurs every time a user performs a search on Google. Google determines which ads to show based on factors like bid amount, ad quality, and relevance.

Keywords: These are words or phrases that advertisers choose to trigger their ads. When a user searches for these keywords, the ads can potentially be displayed.

Ad Rank: A value used by Google to determine the position of an ad on the SERP. It’s calculated based on factors like bid amount, ad quality, and ad format.

Quality Score: This is a metric that Google uses to estimate the quality of your ads and landing pages. It’s based on the relevance and quality of your keywords, ads, and landing page content.

Bid: This is an amount of payment that advertisers want to invest to pay for a click on the ad. It’s a key factor in ad placement.

Click-Through Rate (CTR): This term tells about impressions. It’s a measure of how effective your ad is at encouraging users to click through to your website.

Impressions: The number of times your ad is shown to users.

Conversion: This occurs when a user takes a desired action after clicking on your ad, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form.

Conversion Rate: It is the percentage of clicks that gives conversion.

Cost Per Click (CPC): This indicates the amount of payment that the advertiser invests for each click on the ad.

Cost Per Mille (CPM): The amount an advertiser pays for every thousand impressions of their ad.

Ad Extensions: Additional pieces of information that can be added to an ad, such as location information, phone numbers, or links to specific pages on a website.

Display Network: A collection of websites, including Google sites like Gmail and YouTube, where your ads can appear.

Search Network: This is where your ads can appear on Google’s search results page, as well as on Google’s other search sites like Google Maps.

Remarketing: A feature that allows you to show ads to users who have previously visited your website.

Ad Position: The order in which your ad appears on a search results page.

Negative Keywords: These are words or phrases that you can use to prevent your ads from showing to users who are unlikely to convert.

Campaign Budget: The amount you’re willing to spend on a particular campaign.

Looking to get the certificate in Google Ads visit:

Types of Bids in Google Ads

In Google Ads, there are several types of bidding strategies that advertisers can use to determine how they pay for interactions with their ads. Each type of bid strategy serves different goals and may be more suitable for specific campaign objectives. Here are some common types of bid strategies in Google Ads:

Manual CPC (Cost-Per-Click):

Under this bid, you can set any amount for which you’re willing to pay for a click on your ad.  This gives you full control over individual keyword bids.

Automatic CPC:

With automatic CPC bidding, Google adjusts your bids to get as many clicks as possible within your budget. This is a more hands-off approach compared to manual CPC.

Target CPA (Cost-Per-Acquisition):

This bidding strategy sets bids to achieve a target cost per acquisition. Google will automatically adjust your bids to try to get as many conversions as possible at or below your target CPA.

Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend):

This strategy allows you to set a target return on ad spend. Google will then automatically adjust your bids to maximize conversion value while trying to achieve your target ROAS.

Maximize Conversions:

With this strategy, Google automatically sets your bids to get you the most conversions possible within your budget. It’s designed to maximize the number of conversions you get.

Maximize Clicks:

This strategy is aimed at getting the highest possible number of clicks within your budget. Google helps you to get maximum clicks by adjusting your bids to reach your goal.

Enhanced CPC:

Enhanced CPC is a manual bidding option where Google automatically adjusts your manual bid up or down based on the likelihood that a click will lead to a conversion.

Target Impression Share:

This strategy lets you set a target percentage for the share of impressions your ads receive in the auctions they’re eligible to appear in. You can choose to target the absolute top of the page, the top of the page, or anywhere on the page.

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Maximize Conversion Value:

With this strategy, Google automatically sets your bids to get you the highest possible conversion value within your budget.

CPM (Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions):

This bidding strategy is for campaigns focused on brand awareness and getting as many impressions as possible. Advertisers are liable to pay every 1000 times an ad is shown.

vCPM (Viewable CPM):

This bidding strategy is used for display and video campaigns. Advertisers pay for every 1,000 viewable impressions, meaning the ad is at least 50% visible on the screen for at least one second.

CPV (Cost-Per-View):

This is used for video campaigns. Advertisers pay when someone interacts with their video ads, such as by clicking on a call-to-action overlay or a card.

It’s important to choose a bidding strategy that aligns with your campaign objectives and business goals. Additionally, regularly monitoring and adjusting your bids based on performance is crucial for optimizing your Google Ads campaigns.

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Wrapping Up

Google Ads is an effective tool that any business can use and earn maximum reach among users with profit. These basic terms and types of bids are useful for implementing and designing your own ad.